Posts related to works-cited lists
How do you cite an encyclical letter?
Encyclical usually refers to a letter sent by the pope to the bishops of the Catholic Church. The term originates from the wide circulation such… Read More
How do I cite an illustration on an unnumbered page if there is no figure number?
In some cases, the unnumbered page is counted as a page but not numbered as such. If the unnumbered page is between 117 and 119,… Read More
If I cite sources with the same lead author but different coauthors, do I use et al.?
Yes. In MLA style, when a work has more than two authors or editors, the works-cited-list entry provides the name of the lead author or… Read More
If the author of a work is given as a division of an organization, do I still omit an author and list only the organization as publisher in my works-cited-list entry?
TheĀ MLA Handbook notes, “When a work is published by an organization that is also its author, begin the entry with the title, skipping the author… Read More
How do I cite a map?
Maps appear as stand-alone print works, as images in books or websites, and as functional independent websites or parts of websites. As with any work,… Read More
How do I cite a personal interview when the interviewee wishes to remain anonymous?
If a person you are interviewing wishes to remain anonymous, do not create a works-cited-list entry for the interview. Instead, indicate in an endnote that… Read More
How do I cite a Twitter thread or conversation in my text and in my works-cited list?
A thread is a series of separately written but related tweets that are given a single URL. If you’re discussing the thread as a whole… Read More
How do I indicate in my work-cited-list entry that the translator of a work is the same as the author of a work?
If the version of the work you are citing indicates that the author is also the translator of the work, repeat the author’s last name… Read More
How do I cite a Bible app with more than one translation?
There are two ways to identify a translation in a Bible app: in the text or in the works-cited-list entry. Translation Identified in the Text… Read More