How do I cite interviews of the same interviewee taken from two different interview collections?
Note: This post relates to content in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook.
When citing interviews of the same person taken from different collections, treat the person being interviewed as the author in each instance, as is generally the case with interviews. Next, list the title of the chapter in which the interview appears. You may choose to include the interviewer’s name in the optional-element slot after the title of the interview. After this, list the title of the book as the title of the container and the author or editor of the book in the Contributor element. Finally, list the publication details and the page range for the chapter.
In the example that follows, the editor of the collection from which the interview is taken is someone other than the person who conducted the interview:
Stoppard, Tom. “Dialogue with Tom Stoppard.” Interview conducted by Joseph McCulloch. Tom Stoppard in Conversation, edited by Paul Delaney, U of Michigan P, 1994, pp. 38–45.
If the interviewer and the author of the collection of interviews are one and the same, there is no need to include additional information on the person who conducted the interview. In the following example, Mel Gussow is both the author of the book Conversations with Stoppard and the person who conducted the interview:
Stoppard, Tom. “‘Happiness Is Equilibrium. Shift Your Weight.’” Conversations with Stoppard, by Mel Gussow, Limelight Editions, 2004, pp. 39–76.
When referring to these interviews in the prose of your text, provide the author’s first and last name on first mention and the title of the interview. Parenthetical citations should generally include the author’s last name (unless the name of the author has already been mentioned in your prose), a short form of the title of the interview, and, where appropriate, a page number or page range. In parenthetical citations, the author’s last name and the short form of the title should be separated by a comma. For instance:
(Stoppard, “Dialogue” 44)
(Stoppard, “Happiness” 62)