Should a film be cited by its title or the director’s name?
Films are collaborative works, so how you cite them depends on the focus of your discussion. If you are focusing on the director’s choices, begin… Read More
Films are collaborative works, so how you cite them depends on the focus of your discussion. If you are focusing on the director’s choices, begin… Read More
Cite a permanent or ongoing museum exhibition the same way you would cite a temporary exhibition, but in most cases omit dates since there is… Read More
Works-cited lists typically do not contain entries for websites as a whole. Entries should refer to the specific web page or resource that contains the… Read More
Yes. Since hashtags are used for a variety of reasons in tweets—to categorize the tweet, to communicate with a group, to convey humor, and so… Read More
If in your essay you use a quotation from a poem that you found in a journal article, your in-text citation should include “qtd. in.”… Read More
The school and its city, if the city is not part of the school name, should be listed in the Location element in your works-cited-list… Read More
How you cite an ancient work of art depends on where you viewed it. If you viewed it at a museum, follow our guidelines for… Read More
When you are citing something you found on a website, the website itself should be considered the container no matter the original form of publication. Read More
Use the information you captured in your screenshot to cite the tweet as it existed at the time the screenshot was taken. In your prose… Read More
You should follow the edition you are using when you construct your citations. Some editions make the epilogue part of the last act of the… Read More