How do I cite the works-cited quick guide from The MLA Style Center ?

Note: This post relates to content in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook.

Cite the works-cited quick guide from The MLA Style Center by following the MLA format template described in the guide. If you are referring to the guide as a whole, you might cite it as follows: 

“Works Cited: A Quick Guide.” The MLA Style Center, Modern Language Association of America, 2018,

If you are citing individual web pages from the guide, create a works-cited-list entry for each page that you cite. Since each page has the same title, you might use the page header as the title of the source, followed by the title of the website as the title of the container. Then provide the name of the publisher, the copyright date of the page, and the URL:

“A Source in a Single Container.” The MLA Style Center, Modern Language Association of America, 2018,