Grammar Topics


A sentence may have a direct object.

A direct object is a noun, pronoun, phrase, or clause that receives the action of the verb and answers the question What? or Whom?

The wizard displayed his magic wand.

The wizard displayed it.

The children watched the wizard.

The children watched him.

Wizardry involves using magic.

The wizard said that he will give away his magic wand.

A sentence may also have an indirect object. An indirect object is a noun, pronoun, phrase, or clause that receives the direct object or its effect and answers the question To what? or To whom?

The wizard gave his magic wand to the children.

The wizard gave them his magic wand.

The wizard gave a magic potion to the cat.

The wizard gave it a magic potion.

The wizard gave his magic wand to the eager children.

The wizard will give his magic wand to whoever can factor this really weird polynomial with two variables.

Two objects joined by and are called compound objects. Compound objects can be either direct or indirect.

A sentence can have compound direct objects.

Rudy bought a bicycle and a helmet.

It can have compound indirect objects.

My mother gave me and my sister a big smile.

It can have compound direct and indirect objects.

This app saves buyers and sellers a little money and a lot of time.

We delivered toys, food, and clothes to the mosque, the synagogue, and the church.

Sentences can also have a retained object.

In a sentence such as

The celebrity sent Antonio a text message,

if you make the indirect object (Antonio) the subject of the sentence,

Antonio was sent

the verb (was sent) retains the direct object (a text message):

Antonio was sent a text message.

A text message is the retained object.