How do I cite an infographic?
To cite an infographic, follow the MLA format template. If the infographic does not have an official title, provide a description of it. If you… Read More
To cite an infographic, follow the MLA format template. If the infographic does not have an official title, provide a description of it. If you… Read More
When citing an image reproduced in an article on a website, you can generally refer to it in your text and then key the reference… Read More
Cite each speech bubble individually. Do not use slashes to indicate quotations from separate speech bubbles. Use ellipses only to omit text from a single… Read More
No. If you cite an image from a database, your works-cited-list entry should only provide the information you are given. Read More
The caption usually appears beneath the image. If you discuss the work from which the screenshot or frame capture is taken, the caption should act… Read More
In some cases, the unnumbered page is counted as a page but not numbered as such. If the unnumbered page is between 117 and 119,… Read More
Cite an image from a slide presentation on the web the same way you would cite an image on a web page. Indicate the slide… Read More
In published works, credits—that is, permission to reprint images or other material—are given in the front matter, notes, or figure captions. A credit is a… Read More
Here we refer to meme in its sense as “an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items… Read More
When you are citing an image reproduced in a periodical, it is usually sufficient to refer to it in your text and create a works-cited-list… Read More