If more than one source for a paraphrased idea is cited in a parenthetical citation, in what order do I list the sources?
If more than one person is interviewed in the same interview, do I create separate entries for each person or treat them as coauthors in a single entry?
I am writing a paper in English. I have used the French edition of a book originally published in Dutch. Do I need to include both the French and Dutch editions in my works-cited list?
If a book title within an essay title is not italicized in the source, should I italicize it in my works-cited-list entry?
If I cite a work that has no page numbers and I give the author’s name at the beginning of my sentence, how does the reader know where the author’s idea ends, since there is no parenthetical citation?
Do I always need to indicate in my works-cited-list entry that a work I am citing was streamed through an app?
I have had an essay accepted for publication. In my works-cited list, if there are two or more works by the same author, after the first entry should I use three hyphens or a 3-em dash in place of the author’s name?
If the author, publisher, and name of a website are all the same, do I need to list the author or publisher?