When a work has no publication date or page numbers, should I include the abbreviations n.d. (“no date”) and n. pag. (“no pagination”) in the works-cited-list entry?
Can I look at source code to determine a publication date for online materials that don’t publicize a date?
When an organization is the author and the publisher of a work, the handbook advises writers to begin the works-cited-list entry with the title of the source. Is it OK to use the organization’s name in a signal phrase or in the in-text citation even though the name does not begin the works-cited-list entry?
I am citing a paginated journal article that appears online. Should I include the page range, the URL, or the DOI as the location element in the works-cited-list entry?
When documenting unpublished letters, should the descriptions of the letters that are used in place of a title appear in quotation marks or italics? If I am citing more than one letter written by the same person, how should I distinguish the letters in my in-text citation?